Did You Know …

Did You Know…

· Earwax production is necessary for good ear health.

· The inner ear is the main organ of balance.

· A human ear contains about 24,000 fibers in it.

· It only takes 7 pounds of pressure to rip your ear off.

· You have no sense of smell when you’re sleeping.

· You burn more calories while sleeping than you do when watching television.

· Sleeping less than 7 hours each night reduces your life expectancy.

In a year on an average person sleeps for 122 days out of 365 days

Fairport Chiropractic1157 Fairport Road
Fairport, NY 14450

Selfie Elbow

Selfie elbow can be painful. Check with your doctor of chiropractic on tips to enhance ergonomics and strengthen your body.


Fairport Chiropractic1157 Fairport Road
Fairport, NY 14450

Gardening For Health

Enhance your health through gardening. Your doctor of chiropractic can provide safe posture techniques to prevent injury and promote health so you can remain active.

Fairport Chiropractic1157 Fairport Road
Fairport, NY 14450


Pets, especially cats and dogs, can reduce stress, anxiety and depression, ease loneliness and enhance your overall health during the pandemic. Chiropractic care enhances health by reducing stress in the body. We are here for you and so are our furry friends.


Fairport Chiropractic1157 Fairport Road
Fairport, NY 14450


Fish Prevents Fat

Now there is more evidence that the omega-3 fatty acids found in fish can reduce heart disease. In particular, eating fish seems to reduce the fat deposits on artery walls. A recent study conducted with 223 heart disease patients is revealing. One group received a fish oil concentrate and the other took a placebo. After two years, researchers compared their findings of the two groups. Not only did those taking fish oil have fewer heart related problems, their heart imaging showed twice as much improvement as the placebo group. Fish with the greatest supplies of omega-3 include salmon, mackerel, herring and trout. If you are a vegetarian, a small amount of flaxseed can be substituted.

Fairport Chiropractic1157 Fairport Road
Fairport, NY 14450

Did You Know…

Did You Know …

· Every square inch of human skin consists of twenty-five feet of blood vessels.

· On average, women say 7,000 words per day. Men speak just over 2,000.

· A cough releases an explosive charge of air that moves at speeds up to 60mph. A sneeze can exceed speeds of 100mph.

· Your body uses 300 muscles to balance itself while standing still.

· The eye of a human can distinguish between 500 shades of gray.

· The width of your arm span stretched out is equal to the length of your whole body.

Fairport Chiropractic1157 Fairport Road
Fairport, NY 14450

DealingWith A Pain In The Neck

Dealing With A Pain In The Neck

If you are suffering from chronic neck pain, you definetly know it! An estimated 7 in 10 adults develop it at some point in their lives. The big question, of course, is what you can do about it? Fortunately neck pain is usually treated effectively by chiropractors. In fact, recent guidelines on neck pain point to spinal manipulation as a recommended treatment. It is also important to recognize that exercise can be very helpful. The reality is that neck exercises can be gentle and easy to do, and don’t require a lot of equipment or time. There are certain muscles in the neck that are designed to help us maintain our normal and healthy curve of the spine. Unfortunately we look down most of the day, reading, working on computers, watching TV, etc. These deep neck flexors often fatigue quickly setting the stage for neck pain. To start your exercise program do simple chin tucks while sitting or standing. Simply tuck your chin in and hold it until you feel the muscles fatigue. As you get more comfortable with this movement progress to range of motion exercises and then isometric strengthening. Remember the goal is to increase the endurance of your neck muscles.

Fairport Chiropractic1157 Fairport Road
Fairport, NY 14450

Working From Home Tips

Working At Home, Try These Ergonomic And Posture Tips

With so many people working from home these days to maintain social distancing from their colleagues, many are developing musculoskeletal pain. Improving posture and ergonomics is a proactive way to take care of your body while working remotely.

To reduce stress on the body here are a few work-at-home suggestions:

  • You might need a quiet room to work or specialized software that keeps you pinned to your desk. For everything else, identify a few places in your home where you can work, and change body position and location throughout the day. Find ways to work standing, walking and sitting.
  • Sit in a good chair—even a wooden one—on your sit bones (the bones at the very bottom of your pelvis), with a little arch in your low back. Avoid the slouch, that half-sitting, half-lying position so many use to lounge on the sofa or in bed. If you want to work in bed or on the sofa, sit up on your sit bones.
  • When sitting, put both feet on the floor with a right angle at your knees. Avoid crossing legs or tucking in feet. Good posture means the bones carry the weight of your body. Aligning your posture lets your bones do the work, not your muscles. This prevents muscle spasm, pain and inflammation. It can even prevent nerve pain and headaches.
  • Use a keyboard tray and pull it out over your lap. If you use a laptop, use it as a screen only, placing it at eye level with a stand or a stack of books. Get a remote keyboard to use with a keyboard tray.
  • To avoid neck pain, keep your screen at eye level whether you use a laptop or monitor. Put books underneath your monitor to raise it or use a stand, if necessary.
  • Shoulders should be dropped and relaxed, with elbows hanging down, centered at the seam line of your shirt. Don’t use the keyboard with your elbows reaching forward. This could cause isometric spasm in your neck and/or shoulders and arms, leading to pain and inflammation.
  • Keep your sternum or breastbone lifted. This keeps your torso, head and shoulders erect. Letting the sternum collapse down will pull the head forward and compresses your torso.
  • Avoid forward head position. Keep your head erect, in line with your torso. Keep your screen at eye level. For every inch your head is forward it increases the weight on your upper back and neck by 10 pounds! If you use a cell phone, rest your elbows on your chest and hold the phone at eye level.
  • Use a telephone headset so you don’t have to crunch your neck when using the phone.
  • Remember to take several exercise breaks throughout the day, even if only to empty the dishwasher, put in a load of laundry, climb the stairs a few times, do yoga, get in some planks and squats, dance, or take a short walk.

Fairport Chiropractic1157 Fairport Road
Fairport, NY 14450

Sleep and Pain

Lack of sleep can impact pain levels. Improved sleep is a key benefit of chiropractic care. #ThinkChiropractic

Fairport Chiropractic1157 Fairport Road
Fairport, NY 14450