Make Your Home Workstation Work

Pick a spot.

If you do not have a regular desk at home, working at a kitchen table is generally much better than sitting on a couch with your laptop on your lap.

Adjust your seat.

Use a seat wedge to help you maintain better posture and sit up straighter. You can make your own by folding a bed pillow in half to form a wedge.

Adjust your monitor.

Place large books or reams of copy paper underneath to raise the laptop so that you do not have to raise your hands uncomfortably up, or bend your head uncomfortably down. Consider using a wireless keyboard and boosting the height of your laptop screen to eye level. You should be able to comfortably reach your keyboard with elbows bent at about a 90-degree angle.

Every seated workstation can be a sit/stand station.

Simply stand up every 20 minutes and take a break to stretch and move.

  1. Stand up and move your legs up and down like you are walking in place.
  2. Look at an object that is more than 20 feet away for 20 seconds.
  3. Gently shake your hands, wrists and elbows while gently rolling your shoulders up, back and down.
  4. Take a slow, deep breath in to improve your posture and smile, then slowly exhale.
  5. Sit down, refreshed, in a good posture. You are ready to get back to work!


The human body was not meant to be sedentary; movement is essential to health. Get up and walk around the house, get outside and take a walk. Prolonged sitting is linked with many health issues that can be avoided by periodic movement.

Fairport Chiropractic1157 Fairport Road
Fairport, NY 14450