
Sometimes Discs Can Be A Real Pain!

They may slip, slide, herniate, or rupture but they have an important job to do. Often likened to shock absorbers, intervertebral discs act as cushions to keep the vertebrae from rubbing against one another. Made up of a tough outer layer and a gelatin-like center, they are held in place with ligaments. But what happens when you have a slipped, torn, ruptured or herniated disc (terms for the same condition)? Sometimes cracks develop in the outer disc layer. When this happens, some of the material in the disc center may leak or bulge and press on spinal nerves and cause pain. The two most common areas for disc involvement are the cervical (neck) area and the lumbar (low Back) spine. Disc problems in the lumbar spine are the most common cause of lower back pain. General wear and tear, traumatic injury to a lumbar disc and chronic improper lifting techniques are common causes. However, it is natural for discs to degenerate with age, so any type of strain or twisting movement can cause damage. A genetic predisposition may also exist. Disc problems respond well to chiropractic care and are one of the biggest conditions we treat.

Spinal Health Care Class

Our next Spinal Health Care class is Wednesday December 7at 6:15 P.M. This class is about 45 minutes in length, reviews what you can do to avoid back and neck problems, how to get better quicker, preventive measures, spinal function and physiology, exercises for a stronger back and neck, and a question and answer segment. This is free of charge, all are welcome, please call the office and let us know you will be attending!

Dr. Benjamin A. Caruso

Fairport Chiropractic

1157 Fairport Road

Fairport, NY 14450


Thanksgiving – How Did It Begin?
Having a day specifically set aside for giving thanks started in America in 1621. Governor William Bradford proclaimed a day of Thanksgiving for the harvest reaped by the Plymouth Colonists after a winter of privation. An ensuing feast was shared by the colonists and their Indian neighbors.

Celebration of Thanksgiving Day as a national holiday with religious overtones dates to 1863 when President Abraham Lincoln issued the first national Thanksgiving Proclamation on October 3, setting the last Thursday in November to be observed for expressing thanks for the blessings of the year. Much credit for the holiday should be given to Sarah Hale, editor of the Ladies’ Magazine, who campaigned relentlessly for national observance by writing to the governors of all states and to the president.

President Lincoln’s action on 1863 was widely responded to in the North (while the Civil War was still raging) with services held in churches of all denominations. After services, the practice began for families to gather around the table for a bounteous dinner with roast turkey, pumpkin pie and apple cider.

In 1941 a Congressional Joint Resolution set the fourth Thursday of November as the official day for observing Thanksgiving.

Joint Pain On The Rise

Number of Americans With Severe Joint Pain Rising
Close to 15 million people live with the problem
Severe joint pain plagues and increasing number of Americans a new report finds. In 2002, about 10.5 million people in the United States said they battled severe joint pain, but by 2014 that number had jumped to 14.6 million, said researchers from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. One in every four people with arthritis in the new study rated their pain as “severe”, and this number is expected to rise in the coming years.

Back and Neck Care Class

Our next Spinal Health Care class is Wednesday November 16 at 6:15 P.M. This class is about 45 minutes in length, reviews what you can do to avoid back and neck problems, how to get better quicker, preventive measures, spinal function and physiology, exercises for a stronger back and neck, and a question and answer segment. This is free of charge, all are welcome, please call the office and let us know you will be attending!

Dr. Benjamin A. Caruso

Fairport Chiropractic

1157 Fairport Road

Fairport, NY 14450