Five Daily Anti-Aging Tips

None of us are getting any younger, you can’t change your age, but you can change the way you look and feel by following a few simple guidelines:

1. Hydration is important for cellular functioning, so

make sure you remember to drink liquids regularly

throughout the day.

2. The phytonutrients in plant based foods are

essential for health and wellness for our body and

mind. Eat plenty of vegetables and low sugar fruits

every day.

3. Rest is necessary for your body to run optimally.

The way to figure out how much sleep you need is

to think about how much you sleep on a relaxing

vacation, when you naturally fall asleep and wake

up naturally without an alarm. The amount is

generally how much time your body is craving for


4. Take time to have fun with loved ones. Social

support and positive experiences are beneficial to

your health.

5. Make sure to keep your body moving every day,

even if it’s walking up and down the stairs at work

or taking a noon time stroll around the block.

Exercise is one of the keys to living a long and

healthy life.

Fairport Chiropractic1157 Fairport Road
Fairport, NY 14450